《生锈的苔藓/锈苔/Rusted Moss》BUILD 16380672-官中简体|容量463MB|XJ07526

《Rusted Moss》是一款双摇杆射击式的类银河城动作游戏,用你的吊绳在地图上灵巧地摆荡,射穿女巫和锈迹斑斑的机甲吧。这片曾孕育了人类的土地已经化为废墟,被遗忘已久的精灵归来,将人类推向灭绝的边缘……
最近评测:特别好评 (30)
全部评测:特别好评 (921)

发行日期:2023 年 4 月 12 日


“Rusted Moss’s unique mobility options may be overwhelming at first, but for those looking for a unique and challenging spin on the Metroidvania 2D platforming genre, this game might get its hook into you faster than you’d expect.”

"《Rusted Moss》独特的机动性选项可能一开始会让人不知所措,但对于那些想在 Metroidvania 2D 平台游戏类型中寻找独特且具有挑战性的新玩法的玩家来说,这款游戏可能会比你预想的更快让你上瘾。

“Rusted Moss is a game that hits all the right notes for the Metroidvania genre, sprawling connected map with unique zones, various abilities that are easy to learn and rewarding to master, bountiful secrets to find, and a charming story to tie it all together, but the grappling bungie hook and accompanying level design elevates Rusted Moss miles above the competition.”

"《Rusted Moss》是一款符合Metroidvania类型所有正确音符的游戏,它拥有独特区域的广阔连通地图、易于学习和掌握的各种能力、丰富的秘密可寻,还有一个迷人的故事将这一切联系在一起,但抓钩和附带的关卡设计让《Rusted Moss》比竞争对手高出数英里"。
The Escapist

“Rusted Moss is an enjoyable Metroidvania with clever level designs and an intriguing world concept. Traversal with a grappling hook ends up being a tricky but satisfying mechanic. There’s also a comprehensive list of “difficulty changers” that can even break the game’s challenges entirely if the player wants. It’s an easy recommendation for anyone looking to swing into this niche genre.”

"《Rusted Moss》是一款令人愉快的 Metroidvania 游戏,关卡设计巧妙,世界概念引人入胜。使用抓钩进行穿越是一种棘手但令人满意的机制。游戏中还有一个全面的 "难度改变 "列表,如果玩家愿意,甚至可以完全打破游戏的挑战性。对于那些想要进入这一小众游戏类型的玩家来说,这是一款值得推荐的游戏。
8.5/10 – Noisy Pixel



    • 操作系统: Windows 7 or later
    • 处理器: Dual Core 2GHz
    • 内存: 4 GB RAM
    • 显卡: DirectX 9 compatible with at least 500MB of memory
    • DirectX 版本: 9.0
    • 存储空间: 需要 500 MB 可用空间
    • 声卡: DirectX 9 compatible sound card or integrated sound chip


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